区块链 Grab之后,GoJek也裁员了 区块链 | 2020-06-24 09:32 Grab之后,GoJek也裁员了 墨腾创投



今天,GoJek的联席CEO Kevin Aluwi和Andre Soelistyo在内部各个不同的部门一共举行了16场说明会,宣布公司将进行重大战略调整。

其中,核心业务,包括支付、出行和外卖,将会被作为重点保留。包括清洁/按摩服务的GoLife和线下餐饮的GoFood Festivals将会被砍掉。GoJek表示关闭这两项业务的原因是两者都需要人与人之间的紧密接触,在疫情的打击下难以为继。 GoLife将会7月27日停止运营。


印尼这个月开始复工:疫情并没有控制住,经济已经撑不住了。 好几家成长期和后期的互联网公司因为业务和资金的问题都在裁员 - Shopee再一次渔翁得利。 

据说,GoJek举办这么多场说明会的原因是联席CEO想要亲自和更多的员工互动,并且回答他们的问题。 看来创始人离开从政之后,两位联席CEO继承了他的风格。 我们之前也说过,裁员永远是不容易的



下面是联席CEO Kevin和Andre给GoJek全体员工的邮件(英文)。因为上次Grab的邮件我们引用时使用了黄底,对给大家的视力带来影响深表歉意。这次我们用白底: 

Hello all,


After what was an emotionally tough day for everyone, we wanted to extend a heartfelt thanks to you all for listening, participating and understanding. The reason we held a townhall for each division within the company, instead of a company-wide one, was because we wanted to be present on a more personal level as we delivered the news, and to give you the chance to understand what this means for each of you on a departmental basis.


You heard from both of us how COVID-19 has affected our business and presented us with multiple challenges that we must all work to solve. The biggest challenge is the level of uncertainty ahead and the hard fact that this will forever change how some of our business and products need to operate.


We must respond to the external environment and increase our focus on building a stronger, more efficient business that will stand the test of time and stay relevant. Focusing on our core services, shutting down verticals that are no longer viable during this period, and making bold bets on changing customer needs will ensure that we continue making a positive impact on the lives of millions of people while securing future growth. But we’re sorry that the reality of implementing this has to be so painful.


The journey gets more difficult from here as we begin the process of separating from the 430 employees many of us have grown close to, while also closing down GoLife and GoFood Festivals - businesses that have played important and prominent roles in Gojek’s history. 


With that in mind, we both wanted to share some individual thoughts.


From Kevin:


“Five years ago, we had a moment when Gojek almost ran out of funds; payroll was due in a few days and without more money, we would not be able to pay everyone that month. I was calling people left, right and centre for emergency funding (in fact, at the time Andre sat on our board and he was one of the people I reached out to) on the stairs of our previous office, which overlooked the 150 or so people who were depending on us to find a solution.” 


“At that moment, I had a deep appreciation of the fact that our employees had put their hopes, dreams and ambitions into this small startup, and if the company did not survive, we would be failing every single one of these people. Thankfully, we managed to secure funding and the rest is history.” 


“One of my biggest fears as a leader is failing all of you, hence that was by far the hardest moment I had at Gojek, until today. Today, in each townhall, I felt like I’d failed so many of our colleagues. I’d like to personally apologize for what we unfortunately had to do. For those of you who we’ve had to let go, please know that this was something that both Andre and I fully recognize as our fault, not yours. We are sorry that this time we have failed you. We are truly grateful that you have contributed meaningfully to Gojek’s success over the years and are a valued part of our story; any company would benefit greatly to have you on their team and we will do everything possible to help you make the next step in your career. Please feel free to reach out to me directly if you’d like to talk.”


From Andre:


“When we started out as Co-CEOs, I told everyone that I wanted to be a steady hand through whatever situation Gojek encountered. I hope that promise gives some reassurance that it was only after a huge amount of thought and soul searching that we came to this conclusion. This has been the most difficult decision that I have had to make at Gojek. I wish we had built a company that could carry all of us to the next chapter. But in the end, given all of the uncertainties in front of us, it has to be about the mission that we all undertook and making sure that this mission continues to grow and live on long after all of us are gone.”


“We had previously optimised the company for growth and impact and we imagined, naively, that the rate of growth would always accelerate. We didn’t plan enough for the inevitable downturn and we are paying for that now. But do I regret that? No I don’t, because at the very least, it meant that we got to work together with so many special individuals on a collective mission together. Even if only for a short time.”


“To those that are leaving, I know that this series of events may have left you with some sadness, anger and disappointment. If you will allow me to ask one thing of you, I ask that you never lose your love of Gojek. I hope that whenever you are on the road, and you see our Gojek driver partners proudly wearing the green jacket and helmet, you will always be reminded and feel proud, that you played a pivotal role in making all of this happen.”




To those that are leaving us, you will meet with a representative from the People team and your manager in a meeting over the coming days. We wanted to help as much as possible, so have assembled the following package of benefits:


•Severance payments: Financial continuity will be the biggest concern at this time. Employees will receive the statutory severance payment (we are setting a minimum of four weeks pay) plus an additional four weeks of salary for each year served.

•Payment of notice period: We don’t expect employees to work their notice period as they will have enough on their minds as they look to the future. However, we will still pay this in full.

•Equity arrangement: Annual cliffs on equity will be waived, to allow employees who are leaving us to have ownership stakes in the company that they have played a key part in building.

•Payment of annual leave and other entitlements: We will pay unused annual leave, along with any other entitlements including parental leave. 

•Health insurance: Amid this global health crisis, we want to give our impacted employees the assurance that their healthcare needs will be provided for. We will extend the coverage for those on our health insurance scheme, as well as their dependents, until 31 December 2020. 

•Equipment: Employees can keep their laptops to help them as they search for their next opportunity.  

•Extension of Employee Assistance Program services: We are very mindful of the emotional and psychological well-being of everyone affected. That’s why we are extending our support services, encompassing mental health, financial and other advice for three months.

•Outplacement service: Finding new employment is never easy, so we are adding an outplacement service that will help people with their job search.


We know that whatever we have to offer might not be enough to compensate for your disappointment, but we have done our best to put together a package that supports you in the most thoughtful way possible. We hope that you will look back at your time here fondly. We are part of your history, just as you are part of ours and that is a meaningful thing that we will always share. You have an extended family behind you wishing you success and helping at every given opportunity - please let us know if you need references, support or just a friendly ear.


To those staying, we’d like to reassure you that these will be our only COVID-19-related layoffs. Thank you for listening to us today and giving us the chance to explain our decisions. Let’s keep talking. When the dust has settled, we can look to the future, but for now, it is enough for us to just be here for each other.


Kevin and Andre





